
Thursday, 1 March 2012

Earth-2 Wonder Woman

Here's Jim Lee's redesign for Earth-2's Wonder Woman. No pants this time round, Jim? According to James Robinson,
"Due the events that open the saga of EARTH 2, Wonder Woman is already the last Amazon of this world and she is determined to avenge her sisters…at whatever cost,"
I wonder if those events tie in to the cover of Earth-2 that was previewed a few weeks back which saw Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman fighting against parademons. That cover also begged the question about where are the other heroes that people were expecting to see on Earth-2, ie the Justice Society?

This has me even more intrigued about Earth-2 if nothing else!


  1. "intrigued" is not the word I would use. "Troubled" would be more like it. Downright "depressed" were not James Robinson with his demonstrated love for the old Golden Age heroes and DC's rich legacy not writing. We'll all just have to wait and see ... and hope for the best.

    1. I'm with you as far as Robinson goes, Kent - he knows the old guys and likes them so while I'm a little surprised that the focus of Earth-2 has so far been on different versions of the Big Three, I'm still hopeful of some JSA pretty soon.

  2. Oh hurrah, a Wonder Woman designed to be even more stabby than the current sword-fixated madam. Honestly, I'm with Kent, and somehow holding onto hope that the bad-tempered Big Three we've seen on the new Earth Two will be swept away by the coming of a golden Justice Society.

    Or failing that, Justa Lotta Animals.

    1. Like I say, let's hope for some JSA news soon, eh?

      I'm trying my darndest to be a glass half full kinda guy here!

    2. While I am generally liking most of what I see in the New 52-6+6, I have found each bit of Earth Two news a little more disheartening. But I'll hold out hope until the end, and past, I'm sure ... How long did it take to get the "real" Supergirl back, after all?

    3. Just read about Supergirl / Power Girl being the "brightest light" of the Earth-2 heroes so far so fingers crossed things won't be all grim and "stabby".

    4. Just on the off-chance I wasn't clear, I meant 1985 (COIE)-2004 (Superman-Batman #8)(those specific dates and numbers may be slightly off -- old man's memory), or even better, to 2008 when Gates/Igle took over her title.

      Of course, this "Earth Two" Supergirl/Power Girl may be closer to that than the current title, which I am nonetheless enjoying. Hope springs eternal.

  3. It may also have been foolish of us to assume that the new "Earth Two" would have much more to do with the old Silver/Bronze Age Earth-Two than the new "Earth One" graphic novels have to do with the old Earth-One.

    Note that I also have a superfluity of "nots" in my first post: "'Troubled' would be more like it. Downright 'depressed' were James Robinson with his demonstrated love for the old Golden Age heroes and DC's rich legacy not writing."

    1. True; I heard about Earth-2 and instantly expected the JSA to turn up. When Bats, Supes and Wondy appeared on that first cover I was surprised to say the least.

      Still can't wait for it, though!

  4. It's hardly our fault, Gary - DC chooses to re-use such expectation-loaded terms as earth 1 and Earth 2.


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