
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Who'd Like A Cocktail? #216

Jonah Hex: Nineteenth Century Batman

ALL STAR WESTERN #17 - Jonah and Arkham head into the diseased and blocked off area of Gotham in search of Catherine Wayne, wife of Alan, who has been abducted by the infected populace who plan to barter her for medicine and food. Trouble is, by the time Hex and co arrive, one Vandal Savage has already stolen her from her abductors, planning to do who knows what with her. In the back-up story, we meet the first members of the 19th century's Stormwatch.

Another cracking issue with Savage acting as plague-carrier in Gotham while Stormwatch goes steampunk. Splendid stuff.

AQUAMAN #17 - In the aftermath of Throne of Atlantis, it turns out some bad guys have managed to salvage some Atlantean weaponry and are using it for their own good. Aquaman takes on some whalers and also squares off against the Sea Devils and his own royal guard who clearly wish his brother was still in charge. He's all alone with even Mera not at his side and about to face another threat to his kingship.

A good, solid issue which leaves Aquaman stripped of almost all his allies.

THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #17 - While attempting to right the wrongs done by Dr Megala when he inhabited Firestorm's body, Ronnie and Jason come up against a few members of the Teen Titans. There's the usual fight scene that occurs whenever heroes meet for the first time but eventually they offer him membership. In their civilian lives, though, Ronnie owns up to something which earns him some respect before his mother's kidnapped.

I'm still liking this series and it's a shame it's getting cancelled. Hopefully Jurgens will move on to something else.

TEEN TITANS #17 - A mysterious bad guy kills a super-powered teen while Red Robin introduces the rest of the Titans to their new headquarters: a yacht so big that Wonder Girl claims to have "seen countries smaller" than it. It's so huge, the team still share rooms... Later on, Robin gets amorous with Solstice, despite the fact that Kid Flash has been interested in her. But then, he also gets it on with Wonder Girl a little later before we see that there's someone in the background pulling strings.

There's a lot being laid out here - is that the new Dr Light in the prologue? - and it looks like the Titans are in for a rough ride over the coming months. Good issue on the whole, though.

And what made me smile:

Hello, Jenny Freedom, and welcome to the DCU!


  1. Ive become a big fan of Hex in All Star Western and have enjoyed most of the back up storys, however I am ready for Hex to move out of Gotham and back into the Wild West.

    1. I'm really enjoying the All Star Western series and while I agree it'd be nice to see Hex in the Old West proper, I'm happy with him kicking around Gotham as long as Amadeus Arkham is around as comedic sidekick.


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