
Friday, 15 February 2013

DC's May Solicitations

Rather than do a straightforward Don't Ask post, I thought I'd take a look at a few titles this month.


The Green Team and The Movement . . . I'm sort of tempted by these, mostly because of Gail Simone's involvement if I'm honest. A pair of possibles, I think.

Justice League #20 - Despero's back! And look at this:

Is that the all new female Atom that was hinted at in last year's Trinity War teaser?

Firestorm #20 - sadly another title I'm collecting bites the dust; not even Dan Jurgens could save it apparently. Although it looks like Firestorm himself ends up in the League according to the cover of Justice League #20 above.

Worlds' Finest #12 - and yeah, I know I've already mentioned it but look: Power Girl gets her classic costume back!

A mysterious man blacked out on the cover of All Star Western #20 - internet speculation suggests it may be Booster Gold which would be nice to see.


  1. The Green Team/Movement books have a chance to be very interesting partly because they're unlike anything else being published right now.

    1. And, as I've said before, thumbs up to DC for doing something different.

  2. Gawd, that female Atom has one horrible costume!

    Neither of the political books sound thrilling, but the talents involved are draws. I wish we knew more about the casts.

    1. I know what you mean about the two political books, but I'm willing to give Gail Simone's a go and maybe the Green Team as well.

    2. that may be a prototype because i saw a picture of her and her costume is the same as Ryan's costume

    3. It certainly follows a similar pattern to the Choi/Palmer versions but then I guess that's to be expected.

  3. i think it's element woman not a new atom

    1. Check out Aquaman #16 - the tiny speechbubble on Hawkman's shoulder and then the six inch high silhouette next to him on the next page. Given Hawkman's long association with the Atom, I'm willing to bet that's the new one on the cover.

      Not to mention on the cover above she's tiny and hanging off Batman's hand!

  4. anybody excited for the shaggy man in jla 4


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