
Monday, 31 December 2012

Cocktail Of The Year 2012

Yes, it's that slightly embarrassing, self-concious moment once again when I tally up which comics have made me the happiest throughout the year.

As regular readers know, each week I get my comics and run through them, posting a short review and what I did or didn't like about them. At the end of each week's reviews, I post a panel that, quite simply, made me smile that week and it's those panels that earn their respective titles the Cocktail for that week. I've gone through the 2012 Cocktail posts and using a hideously complicated process that I'm not going to bore you with worked out who gets the awards.

Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray's work on All-Star Western has been consistently good, not to mention the Freedom Fighters mini-series that they've been producing (hopefully) with plans for a new series sometime soon but it was the work of Paul Cornell on Saucer Country, Stormwatch but most of all for Demon Knights that pipped them to the post.

Sad to say Cornell's long gone from Stormwatch and has finished his run on Demon Knights so no more Vandal Savage to make me smile month in, month out.

The afore-mentioned All-Star Western and Demon Knights were both strong contenders for the series that provided me with the most laughs but - despite many people not liking it - the one that made me smile consistently was Worlds' Finest. It's not the best written series out there but remember, this is just about what gives me a chuckle and throughout the year and Levitz's writing, principally with Kevin Maguire's art, did it for me.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments - there's a whole ton of comic blogs out there so I really do appreciate it when someone spends some time in my little corner of the internet.

Have a great New Year and see you in 2013.


  1. Good choices. I really must try a year's end post, but it's been a most distracting Christmas ...

    1. I know what you mean but I hope you had a good one all the same!


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