
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

No More Justice League International?

While browsing through my news feeds, I came across DC's August solicitations and fully intended to throw together a quick Don't Ask -- Just Buy It post but then another item from CBR caught my eye: Justice League International #12 is to be the final issue of the series.

From the article:
"The issue is also the only entry noted for August as the final issue. Considering the most recent Diamond sales estimates have the book far from the least-selling DC title, the ending is most likely story driven"
There's some small comfort there that it's not a decision made based on sales, but that still leaves me wondering what's happening with the book. Over the last few issues, several of the starting members have been hospitalised (none of whom appear on the cover above) and Rocket Red's been killed so it seems likely that this incarnation is done with (not a decision I'd be happy about if I'm right, by the way.)

And yet, there's the solicitation of Justice League International Annual #1 also out in August written by Geoff Johns and Dan Didio, two of the head honchos at DC. They're hardly likely to waste time writing a finale for a book that's being cancelled that month, surely, particularly as the OMAC character - whose series was written by Didio - has just joined the team.

Much as I loathe Bleeding Cool, I've heard rumours from that site that DC will be publishing #0 issues in September. If that's true, I foresee either a Justice League International vol 2 launching after the #0 issue or a newly named series featuring some or all of the same characters in a slightly different team.


  1. "Much as I loathe Bleeding Cool" What now?

  2. Man Rich doesn't miss a mention of his name, does he?

    1. I can only assume he's set up a Google alert for loathe Bleeding Cool!


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