
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Was Brad Meltzer Right?

With Earth-2's announcement the other day (and yes, I'm really excited about it) the possibility of a crossover between it and Justice League of America started to occur which, in turn, made me remember this page from Brad Meltzer's run on JLA:

The Earth-2 that's shown there features characters from both the classic Justice Society and what appears to be the satellite-era League (am I the only one who prefers that blue and white costume on Zatanna?)

Will we see anything like it over the next year or two? Difficult to call when, but it would be just like Geoff Johns and James Robinson to do a crossover between the two titles when JLA gets to issue #21 in eighteen months or so . . .


  1. Early 80s Zatanna is dressed as a Las Vegas Satanist with a lobster on her head. Didn't Perez design it? Apart from Raven, all of his costumes are fussy and campy. He was the 80s Jim Lee.

    1. But Dougie, the Vegas Satanist is a good look on her!

  2. Gary asks " am I the only one who prefers that blue and white costume on Zatanna"

    No. No, you are not.

  3. That's my favourite Zee superhero look but the stage outfit rules.

    1. Okay, if we're splitting hairs, I totally agree that the stage outfit rocks.

      I still like the blue and white one, though.

  4. Gary - great hindsight mate - it was there all along.

    1. Probably more happenstance than forward planning but I thought it worth a mention.


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