
Thursday, 16 June 2011

Room For One More?

As any regular reader knows by now, I'm something of a Power Girl fan - her book (even written by Winick) was consistently fun and that's what I like in my comics.

Following all the DC relaunch / reboot news, though, there's no Power Girl nor Justice Society title so it seems we won't be seeing her around much after September.

Unless she joins a new group, I suppose. One where the team books are unlikely to be cancelled. You know, if one of the head honchos of DC was writing it or something. One which had a new movie coming out soon . . .

Is there such a group?

Power Ring Girl, anybody?


  1. Good Lord, she looks fantastic. Tell Hal Jordan she's 13 and she's in there ...

    I'm really hoping that an Earth NuTwo shows up soon, complete with the JSA characters, and Karen prominent among them.

  2. Cheers, Martin - I was happy with how it came out not being a whizz with Photoshop!

    I've read a few comments on the net about the initial 52 titles not being the only titles DC are doing so fingers crossed and we can get some JSA/Power Girl appearances back.

  3. Actually, I was thinking go back to the "descendent of Arion" origin and put her in Justice League Dark...

  4. Oh God, no! That way lays madness, the potential return of Equinox and having to put up with Peter Milligan's writing!


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