
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Perusing Previews - May 2011

If I wear a T-shirt with a design on it these days, it's mostly either a DC related image or something from the excellent Last Exit to Nowhere site. However, I'm kinda tempted by the Boba Fett T-shirt here:

Though I have to admit to being slightly baffled by the Vader Gonna' Knock You Out! shirt . . .

Anyone fancy a box-set of cubic representations of traditionally ultra-curvacious comic characters?

Kinda seems to be missing the point, there - particularly in the case of Tarot . . .

Can I imagine myself wearing this:

Yes. Yes I can.

Last Friday as much of the UK settled down to watch one member of a wealthy family marry another member of a wealthy family, my wife suggested we sit on the sofa and watch Return of The Jedi, which reminded me just how great she is. While not the best of the Star Wars films it was still much better than the pomp and ceremony forced on to our TV sets that day. As much as I love Star Wars, though, I have to ask a question: is there nothing that George Lucas won't license?

Golf club covers?! Really, George?

Back when this series first came out from DC years ago, I'd had a few letters published in some titles which were edited by Peter Tomasi who was also editing Major Bummer. As a consequence, he sent me a copy of the first issue, pre-release, for comments. Wish I'd kept hold of that, now.

Do I need a 4GB flash drive made to look like Kilowog?


Will I be getting one?

Hmmm . . .


  1. Love that Boba tshirt at the top but which site is it from? DK

  2. That was four months ago - can't remember at all!

    However a quick Google search comes up with this.


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