
Friday, 31 December 2010

Cocktail Of The Year 2010

You ever do something as a bit of a laugh and then feel vaguely embarrassed when you realise that you should really do it again? That's me right now as I post the ridiculously self-indulgent Cocktail of the Year post just like I did last year. But hey, Jimmy Palmiotti popped over to say thanks so it shows you can never tell who's going to read these things.

Each week I get my comics, I run through them and post what I did or didn't like about them along with a panel that, quite simply, made me smile that week and it's those panels that earn their respective titles the Cocktail of the week. I've gone through the 2010 Cocktail posts and (by a hideously complicated process that I'm not going to bore you with) worked out who gets the awards.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Where In The Worlds?

Just read an article over at Newsarama about 11 Things to Watch in the New Year, one of which being the much touted Multiversity by Grant Morrison where the crazy Scotsman takes us on a tour of the DC Multiverse. From the article:
Described as a tour of the 52 universes, this upcoming eight-issue series from DC pits Grant Morrison and an all-star list of artists with defining and redefining seven of the most prominent universes in the DC’s Multiverse. Each of the first seven issues will work as a defacto one-shot for a universe, complete with heroes and villains, while the eight will pull it together into one massive story.
which got me to thinking about which of the 52 universes Morrison would go for. Earth 4 (the Charlton/Watchmen heroes) has already been reported as being one of them, along with Earth 5 where Morrison will take on the Marvel family, which leaves five Earths to guess at.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I didn't get in to pick up my comics this week - what with Christmas coming up and all - so will just say thanks for stopping by and reading Crisis on Earth-Prime over the last year or more.

I hope you enjoy Christmas and I'll see you back here in a few days.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Friday Night Fights - The Video Game

It's Friday so that means it's Friday Night Fight time, right?

Nope, not tonight. As it's Christmas Eve and peace and love spread throughout the world, Spacebooger has instead loaded up a special for us fighters and everyone else.

Click the picture below to go check out his holiday web-comic and come back for the fights in 2011.

And remember, if you have a comics blog and want to join in, get in touch with Spacebooger; contact details are over at his site.

Have I Been Fooled?

A couple of days ago, I posted about DC's solicitations for Justice League: Generation Lost #21 which reads:
It’s the calm before the storm in issue #21. Beetle is dead, Max Lord has Checkmate and the hunt for Wonder Woman has begun. But Booster Gold has given up after losing another friend to Max Lord, and the JLI is left without a leader!
Over at Bleeding Cool they're saying the whole thing's a tease and that, with a possible TV series and new comic featuring the character, there's no way DC will be killing off Blue Beetle.

Here's hoping they're right and I'm wrong.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Damn You, Judd Winick, Damn You To Hell

I've just read the DC solicits for March over at Newsarama and what do I find?

It was hinted at before but the info for this issue makes it clear:
It’s the calm before the storm in issue #21. Beetle is dead, Max Lord has Checkmate and the hunt for Wonder Woman has begun. But Booster Gold has given up after losing another friend to Max Lord, and the JLI is left without a leader!
Not content with having killed off Ryan Choi's Atom, it appears Jaime Reyes is doomed as well.

Seriously, Winick: I hate you right now. This is a crap way to start Christmas week.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Crisis On Mobiles

Just a quick one - if you've got a smart phone, have a look at Crisis on Earth-Prime. Blogger released a new template for smart phones and I've switched on the option so it should look something like this:

I've tried it with the Android phone I have and it looks good, even if I say so myself.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Who'd Like A Cocktail? #110

Edward I continues his cross-border relations policy
Missed out on my comics last week so a bumper haul this week - possibly the last of 2010!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday Night Fights - A Sting With The Tail

It's Friday and you know what that means - it's Fight Night once more, hosted by Spacebooger.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Time Master My @$$

Rip Hunter's mastery of time is well known - he's the go-to guy for all things relating to time travel. He's been now, then and everywhen so he knows what he's talking about, right?

From The Brave And The Bold #23 from the early part of 2009:

You read that? Rip Hunter says Magog's going to "do a lot of good over the next couple of years."  Booster Gold doesn't believe him, though, and plans to be the one to stop Magog when he goes sour.

Jump forward to 2010 and just a few weeks ago in Justice League: Generation Lost #13 we have this:

That big purpley-pink blob is Magog blowing his own head off under the control of Max Lord.

So, Rip - following the events of Blackest Night, we now know dead means dead so Magog's not coming back. Still want to lay bets on how much good he's going to do over the next couple of years?

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wednesday's World Wide Web #4

Okay, at first glance this looks like a completely gratuitous picture of some lass in a skin tight, Batman-logo speckled outfit:

But no - it's another website from the mind of Frank Miller and appears in The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2.

Want to "chat live with Batchick"? Try clicking on superchicksrule!.com but be ready for disappointment - neither Batchick nor the other Superchix are there.

This does, of course, mean there's a gap in the market for Frank Miller-inspired websites . . .

Monday, 13 December 2010

I Want One

I can honestly say until today I had never heard of Mezco Toys.

Having seen this version of Sinestro, however:

I can honestly say my battered, broken, limb-missing Darth Maul Lego keyring is going to be retired next May when these go on sale.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

No Cocktail Post This Week

Apparently some people have had problems with snow, much like Hal Jordan here, and my local comics shop didn't get a delivery this week.

Oh well, twice as much to look forward to this week coming!

Friday, 10 December 2010

Friday Night Fights - Hhut Before Hh

It's Friday night once more so I'm sure I don't need to remind you what that means . . .

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Less Dredd-ful News

I'm sorry, I swear I'll never make another Dredd pun, okay?

Just read the list for 2000AD / Rebellion reprints over at Bleeding Cool and there's some really good news.

Not only will there be volumes 17 and 18 of Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files . . .

Not only will there be volume 2 of Judge Anderson: The Psi Files . . .

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Wednesday's World Wide Web #3

Well here's a nice surprise - this website, actually works!

True, it redirects to this one and is the home of Super Human Resource, an actual comic by Ken Marcus and Justin Bleep.

Go check out issue #1 online for free.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Starting To Dredd It

Busy as all heck in work in the run up to Christmas so the number of posts might slip but hey, that's life.

I've been kinda looking forward to the forthcoming Judge Dredd movie, particularly after having seen the first image of Karl Urban as Dredd:

That works for me - sure, the oversized shoulder pad and eagle are pretty much non-existant but the general look is there.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Who'd Like A Cocktail? #109

You're not alone, Ray; I miss them too.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Friday Night Fights - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

Friday Night Fights returns, hosted by the ever-present Spacebooger. This time round, it's another selection of free-for-alls though the prize fight will have a theme hinted at by the "Fight Life" title above which, unless I'm very much mistaken, shows the Posse from the excellent Blue Beetle series.

But enough of that for now - click the link below to check out my first fight of Fight Life!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Who Wouldn't Want One?

As I looked through Previews last week, I scanned the Apparel section even though the stuff no longer available here in the (currently) very cold UK.

Which is a shame, as I might have been tempted by this:

A Boba Fett hoodie! How cool is that?!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Wednesday's World Wide Web #2

Want to find out what's happening in the world of science fiction? Not afraid to be labelled as a geek? Then here's where you should go, my friends:

At the time of writing, that website (which comes from The Dark Knight Strikes Again #1) is currently up for grabs.

Go, my geeky news hounds - register the domain and provide your brethren with all the news that's fit to print!