
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Green Lantern #52 Notes Done

A little later than expected (due to my doing a parachute jump last Saturday which was just superb, and then driving to and from London yesterday to see - among others - the great Alan Moore himself performing stand-up comedy!) but the notes are up for Green Lantern #52 over at the Annotated Blackest Night.

Typically, the last issue of Blackest Night is out tomorrow and I'm away for the weekend coming so who knows when I'll have chance to get the notes done.


  1. I just discovered your Annotated Blackest Night and really enjoyed it. (I run, a site annotating the adventures of Booster Gold, so I can assure you that your approach to annotated comic book blogging is right up my ally.) Thanks for all the hard work: it's illuminating.

  2. Thanks! Glad you like the site; I'll put a link to your site up on the ABN's Links page.


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